So last year i decided that I could be a master pumpkin i downloaded a pattern off the internet and after a long evening, produced the superb Jesus pumpkin you see in the next post. This year i had to carry on my tradition of masterful carving.........
In memory of Steve Irwin - the Crocodile Hunter -
Monday, October 30, 2006
pumpkin carving THIS year!!!
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 6:31 PM 6 comments
pumpkin carving last year.....
And this is my Jesus pumpkin from last year (i think it looks better if you look at it from a bit of a distance).
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
what a delightful day...!
i chose these lovely cartoons to illustrate the things involved in my day.....
This is my one weekend in over a month that i have not had to go down to Seattle at was nice to sleep in this morning and then settle in for some homework...
Also part of my day was laundry....i really didn't feel as miserable about it as this cartoon lady does, especially since i washed my sheets and i'm SO excited to sleep in a nice clean bed tonight! I also watched some tv....i find it to be a nice study break. My afternoon programming of choice included Take Home Chef and Trading Spaces
And the reading...the endless reading....i was not as enthused about it as this little gaffer seems to be.......perhaps that's because it seems to be never ending.......
And finally, I talked to the mumsie....always good to check in back on the homestead to see how the parental are doing...
anyway now i've abandoned all homework notions for the evening and have settled in to watch the Canucks game....ahhhhhhh delightful!
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 8:13 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
another weekend in seattle
well i was in seattle again this weekend....and i kill time by taking random pictures. as you can see, my coffee was a nice little prop....i was going to make a whole collage of starbucks pics, but i thought that people might think i have an addiction or something crazy like
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
wedding fun!
Calvin and Elisa - friends from life group - got married this weekend. It was a pretty fun wedding, despite the fact that as a life group, we got ropped in to a heck of a lot of set up and take down responsibilities...ah well, someone's gotta do it and a few late nights won't kill me (they'll just make me
i'm looking forward to seeing all that was wrapped up in big boxes and pretty paper....they're so lucky...they get to open a whole lotta gifts!!
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 02, 2006
more adventures in everett
first of all, i'm trying a new collage mode in picasa...second of all, let's talk about the fun times in everett this weekend. So we went to Target, always a good time. Carrie got very excited to wander through the Halloween stuff and clearly found a mask she liked. Also fun...well, not really fun, but something we did, was take kitten to the vet for some shots. Kitten did not enjoy the exprience so much and looked very concerned on the car ride there. However, she was a real trooper and it was nice to have a somewhat subdued kitty around the house in the evening!!!!
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 3:13 PM 3 comments