i know, i know......i have been slacking big time with the updates. That, and there isn't too much new to report. I did manage to stretch my birthday celebration into about a 3 week span...seriously, that's the way to go....you are allowed to celebrate one week before and one week after your birthday week. So I did. Towards the end of the 3rd week it was more like Pam and i were hanging out and were too lazy to cook something for dinner so we'd go out for sushi "because it was my birthday"!! lol
I am back into the swing of things with practicum and it's going really well. I must say that after having 3 weeks off, it was a little hard to go back (i really like sleeping in...). However, from now until June (when i finish practicum) i have a lot more responsibility than i did in in the fall. It's sweet!! Last semester i did a lot of observation of other counselors in group counseling, and would just "borrow" clients now and then for individual sessions. But I now have my very own group of 10 clients with whom i will make treatment plans, have individual counseling sessions, and do group counseling 4x/week with them. Today was my first day with them and it went great! I think they will be an awesome group, and am just keeping my fingers crossed that very few (hopefully none) will decide to self-discharge from treatment early....I have them for about the next 8 weeks, and would love to see all 10 of them "graduate"!!
Other than that, i guess it's just the crazy weather that keeps stressing me out!!! So far my one trip to Seattle has been no problem, luckily the snow and ice have at their worst in the early part of the week and have been clearing up by the end of the week.....i guess there's only so long that my luck will hold out, but so far, so good!
Anyhoo, that's about it for now....i'll try to update again soon!
Monday, January 15, 2007
finally an update!
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 4:41 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
happy new year!
well....i didn't do so well at keeping you updated while in winnipeg.....in all fairness i said i'd update once i took pictures, and i didn't really take that many pictures...oops! anyway, i'm back in BC and figured i'd better get an update done before life gets crazy busy again.
Christmas was really good - pretty mellow, spending time with the family. We went skating once and x-country skiing once, and of course played lots of ping pong.
I came back to BC for New Years, which ended up being the MOST mellow evening one can imagine...lol...but that's ok, i don't really care all that much about new years.
Tomorrow is my birthday and of course i will be stretching that celebration into as many days as possible!
Well, here are some pics from my time in Wpg...enjoy!
We begin with ping pong -- i must say, for not playing on a regular basis, i actually did quite well against the other members of my family, especially my dad and brother, who somehow manage to put fancy spins on the ball...though i think i have concluded that my ability to beat them both was mostly due to their errors, and not so much due to my amazing shots....here's an action shot of my mom and brother Stockings stuffed full on christmas morning....the best part is that my brother and i have those giant ones on the end, and my parents have the much smaller version...lol
always time for a fun family photo....
And here we are again!
Posted by coffee-to-go-please at 12:08 PM 2 comments