Tuesday, June 20, 2006

inflation rate is rising

ok so that title doesn't have anything to do with this blog, i just heard it on the news as i sit here and type, and since i couldn't think of a title, i went with it.

So i realize i haven't blogged in a very long time.......but i did warn you to not sit there and hold your breath for consistent blogging. And i really don't know what to blog about....hmmmm lets think......

Well I am sad that the NHL season is finally over. Also very sad that the Oilers couldn't pull through in game 7.......i really did think they had a good chance. Frick...stupid cup staying south...sigh, one day the cup shall return home....though i did manage to educate some of my American classmates on the wonder of NHL hockey over the weekend. And now i just have about 3 months to wait until the big boys hit the ice again....sweet.....i love how hockey consumes so many months of the year.

What else? I really want to go to the zoo this summer. A zoo commercial just came on tv and reminded me how much i want to visit the giraffs. but i also discovered the other day how stupidly expensive it is to go to the zoo. I remember when the zoo was free........oh those were the days, school field trips are where it's AT!!

Well i think i'll shut 'er down here for today. Maybe i should take some pictures or something and blog about them.........yes........that'll do...........


Anna said...

Hey girl... way to post something. Do you remember in Mme. Mesman's class in grade 8 or 9 when we had to listen to the news on the radio that she'd taped that morning and try and write down everything piece of news we could? I just remembered that when you said how you picked your blog title.... lol... I think I will use that with my students... even though they are only in grade 3... hmmm...

Hey, are you coming home this summer? Pleeeeeeeease?!???!?