Saturday, June 09, 2007

part one complete...

never mind pictures from my trip to Portland, i've moved on since then, heck i hardly remember when i went on that trip...i've been slightly consumed with bigger and better things, and am happy to announce that


Now, realistically, only part one - the writing- is done, i still have to present it in 2 weeks. But it has been submitted and it's out of my hands for now! You may be asking what i researched for my thesis, so I suppose I should clarify that it's not a research based thesis, but rather an experientially-based paper in which I (and i quote) "present counseling case material on a psychotherapy client to demonstrate how my basic understanding of human beings, theoretical orientation in psychotherapy, empirical knowledge of psychotherapy efficacy, and general therpautic goals are competently manifested in psychotherapy planning, dialogue, interventions, and results"

Make sense? understand? Fun stuff. Actually, it wasn't too bad, once i got going...the beginning phase of writing is always difficult i find, but once i get on a roll, it's all good....i even finished with days to spare, so i didn't get as stressed out as i thought i might...whew!!
here are some photos for your enjoyment!!


rachel joy said...

Hooray! Well done, my friend. And might I say that you look so pretty in those pictures. Seriously. You're looking great!

tina. said...

well done.

i will add you to mine when i get home and blogger actually appears in english again... cant figure out what's what here.

love you.

Kewl Kazzy said...

YAY!! I am so glad i dont have to do those thing-a-mijjigs. Anyhow Good job!


The McKays said...

good for you! congrats.

Alana said...

wow, way to go!! what's next?