On Sunday, Pammer, T-dog and I headed down to Washington to do some shopping in Bellingham before heading over to Birch Bay to visit the Unrau's who were camping. We did some damage at Bellisfair (yay Target!!) and then were ready for some shillaxing in the sunshine. Then, once the sun started to go down, it was time for s'mores...mmmm.....
Here's Pammer enjoying the fruits of her labour, while Kassie and Maya work on toasting the perfect marshmallow. mmmmmmmmmmm..........
Here's Chad, demonstrating the masterful technique of melting the chocolate by sticking it right in the middle of the toasted 'mallow
Yes, s'mores are a snack that truly show off grace and manners...lol
"i want some i want some i want some i want some i want some....look the other way so i can get some...."
"harumph...you people are mean"
We took off for home and swung by the ocean's shore just in time to catch the last few seconds of the sunset
What a fun day!!!!!!!!!!!
Your smores story reminds me of making grilled cheese sandwiches. I always think of you when I make them and hear your voice in my head reminding me to use "maximum cheese melting" time. MCM!
Yay for friends and smores and shopping!
And your comment was so cute on my blog. Hee hee. Yes, you sure do capture the perfect moment. I especially like the big-ass wine bottle in the front. *grin* Cheers!
Holy gorgeous girls + sunset = perfect day!
Nice shot.
Hmm, smores...
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