Sunday, June 21, 2009

end of june update feels like just yesterday i wrote my last blog that was stating i couldn't believe how fast time was flying by...and here it is almost a month later! Well, it's been a busy month, but just not a lot of pictures that have been taken. A few rousing games of Settlers, the first time out to the driving range for the season, a few trips to Vancouver, getting back into the swing of things at the gym, dinners with friends etc etc....i'm ready for a vacation! (that comes in a month). And i also bought a new computer this was my first time trying to figure out how to upload was a bit of a process, but i got 'em on here!

These pictures are from today...Pammer and I spent the afternoon with the Unrau's enjoying the weather and celebrating Father's Day. We went to Campbell Valley Park, had a picnic of the KFC variety and walked some trails (and of course took some pictures!)

Allie showing off her sitting skills, with hope for a tasty snack....
And a very happy dog dancing big for some KFC!
pretty flowers in the park

i like how this flower looks like it's floating in midair...
The leaves were so green...this pictures doesn't do it justice
walking trail
delightful daisies

So there you have it....a bit of an update, a few pictures and the weekend is over and i'm need to off to bed i go!


Raz said...

I LOVE your pictures!!!!!
Can I use these for my desktop pics on my computer?!

rachel joy said...

THAT's why Teresa (spelling? sorry.. ) looked familiar to me when I spent the day cooking with her last month at SAC! I never made the connection.

Mama Bear said...

L&D said...

Sigh. I love the photos. They make me feel calm. Double sigh.
Glad you guys had a great time. Gosh I miss you. Provided that these stupid contractions stop for good, I'm AT the next get together fo shizzel.