Sunday, August 09, 2009

Cottage Country

Just got back from a visit back home! The main reason for my trip was to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday....we had a big surprise party planned and it went off without a hitch (which is pretty amazing, seeing as how there were 60 people there!). My mom was totally surprised and i think she had a great time!
However, after the festivities were over, we took off for the cottage. Pammer came to Wpg also, as she has a bunch of family out that way too, and after she fit in her visits, she came to the cottage too. My brother and sister-in-law were also home.....which meant with 6 of us, it was time we bought the expansion pack so we could get in some good games of Settlers of Catan!!!!!

So, here are a few highlights from the week....i took a BILLION pictures, so it was hard to pick just a few to show (there will be a bigger album on facebook). Spent lots of time relaxing, canoeing, swimming and playing games and as always, time went too quickly!

The weather was a mix between good, bad and ugly and changed at a moment's notice. There was always the chance you'd get caught in a downpour if you ventured out too far. However, the up side was that there were a few amazing rainbows that appeared!! I like this shot because the rainbow seems to come right to our dock!!

Spent a lot of time in these chairs just soaking up the scenery
Pammer and I went for a couple of canoe rides, on the hunt for interesting wildlife
And we even got up early to catch the sunrise
late afternoon sky
I stalked this guy for a bit, he was pretty mellow and would look at me and then go back to eating leaves, but then the "click" from my camera finally sent him scurrying off!!
And these guys sure move quick!!

These loons were so funny! They kept looking at eachother and having some sort of conversation through head gestures, and always made sure no one straggled too far behind!! And then they got into this lovely formation to have their picture taken!

Stretching the wings
I had some fun setting up the tripod at night and experimenting with a variety of manual settings on my camera, trying to figure out exactly how to shoot photos at night. Still need to learn a lot but i am pretty happy with how a couple of shots turned out! I especially love this first one, of the on it to see it larger....cuz if you look close enough, that's the big dipper in the sky....

Almost full moon and the evening bonfire

moon through the trees

Peaceful sunset

And finally, full moon!!

So there you have it, a few highlights of the amazing scenery I soaked in last week!!!!


Anonymous said...

Lets go back!!! I love it there!! You have some great pic's!


Twinkle Toes said...

lovely stuff

Unknown said...

Yay! Looks like you had a great trip! Beautiful cabin!!!

L&D said...

Oooooh. I love the deer photo. And now I've seen what your parents look like. Now, I need to find out where they live so I can blackmail you. ;)