Tuesday, June 15, 2010

where did spring go...and where's summer?

I think i have given in to the fact that i just can't blog on a consistent basis. however, this also means this post will have a lot of pics jammed into you've been warned. :)

So way back in mid-May (again, where did May go, never mind 1/2 of June...) a few of us from Life Group decided that our Frenchie buddy Julie needed to see Kelowna and all its wine country bliss before she heads home to France in July. So...Pammer, Kimmer, Mel, Julie and I headed up for a girls weekend of fun! These next pics are actually in backwards order...but you get the gyst (as always, see Facebook for a more extensive photo collection). We ended our weekend with a wine tour at the Mission Hill winery...delightful!!
We walked by Lake Okanagan and met the Ogopogo

And walked a section of the Kettle Valley railway trestle bridges and saw firsthand the devastation that forest fires have done within the last couple of years

Pammer and Kimmer
I scrambled up some rocks to get a better view
The girls were such troopers with all my photographing...they were such good sports when i made them pose over and over!!!
group shot!GREAT WEEKEND!!! We had a blast!!
Moving along through May, my friend Sue and I went for a hike at Golden Ears and had a great time, despite the rain and chilly temps...the scenery was still amazing!!

Aaaannnnddd....perhaps the most exciting thing of all that's taken place recently is BATHROOM RENOS!!!!! Kimmer's dear darling husband Jaco is a WIZARD when it comes to renos, so i hired me a dutchman and let him get to work!!!!! My bathrooms weren't in bad shape, they were just ugly and i didn't like the '90s look of them...time to modernize, baby!!
Here's the before shot of the ensuite
And the before shot of the main bathroom...hello mismatched vanity pieces!
Helloooooooooo new and improved ensuite! how i love getting ready in you every morning!
And a close up of the sink area in the main bathroom (looks just like the ensuite...both bathrooms have matching pieces)
And another angle of the main bathroom
I love my new bathrooms!! They're so loverly, fresh and modern!!
It's been a rainy, cold spring here on the west coast....quite miserable, actually, and I'm having a hard time believing that summer is just around the corner. Last Saturday, however, was a gorgeous day! So, i took the opportunity to snap a few flower shots from Pam's mom's garden...they will help me believe that spring really has sprung, and that summer is just around the corner!! Enjoy!!

Well there you go...a summary of the last number of weeks....and i'll see you again, probably at the end of July, lol! No seriously, you should see my daytimer...i'd take a picture to show you, but it's full of confidential client information, so i can't really do that...but take my word when i say that the busyness doesn't slow down any time soon! Just hope there's some sunshine in the forecast!!!!


Vanessa said...

YAY for blog posts!!

Looks like such a fun trip to kelowna-love the pic of the trees against the blue sky.

Also, your bathroom looks fantastic!! Since I redid my bathroom, it's just way more fun to be in there, so i totally understand! Hope you continue to enjoy!! :)

kelly ens said...

fantastic pictures! I love the okanagan. i want to do a wine tasting tour some day.
and again, your bathroom renos R.O.C.K.!!!!

L&D said...

The bathrooms ARE so 'loverly.'
Look at all you up on Vacation. Man, that would have been fun. I'm such a lame ass.
