Saturday, September 24, 2005

it's just a little's still good, it's still good...

ok so here's my latest thing - annoyance if you will - the RANDOM people, places and things that post STUPID annoying comments on my blog (and other people's blogs for that matter). I mean seriously, if i may point out, ever so briefly, that people must be really dumb if they think that i am going to be tempted to say...oh i don't diamonds, or join their dating site (see comments posted on the 2 previous blogs for reference...) just because they "stopped by to say hi i really enjoyed your blog, you should check out mine". I mean, i'm quite convinced that it's not even a real person posting that shit, mainly because i had 2 random comments posted like 5 seconds after i uploaded my last unless people don't have a life and just around waiting for new postings to comment on, i say it's all up to a dumb computer to flag 'em down...

anyhoo....maybe i should start a contest to see who the most retarded random commenter will be to post on this little rant....if they say "i was really inspired and found your blog refreshing" they will win a prize....and that prize will be that i will lay the smack down and go kick some ass. kids stew over this one for a while and help me figure out how the little people can overtake the big guns...and win....


coffee-to-go-please said...

15 freaking minutes and i already have 3 stupid random comments.................ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU ALL SUCK...................

sjanzen said...

Hey I really like your blog. I found it very inspriational as well as conspiratorial. Yes that's a word. I'm defniately gonna book mark you, also cause I think your hot. Anyways maybe next time you have a chance you could donate to the "I drank too much beer and shoved a pickle up my ass" foundation. Believe it or not there are many who are inflicted with this very serious problem. Mostly those in American colleges and travellers in South America. recent study has been undertaked to determine why this is happening yet without your financial support no progress will be made.