Friday, December 16, 2005

winter wonderland

hellooooo from winnipeg!! Glad to have you along today! i've been "home" (for the record, i have multiple homes...when i'm in BC, i say "i'm going home to wpg" and when in wpg i say "i'm going home to BC") for 5 days now, and i think it has been snowing slowly but surely the whole time. Lets just say that the City of Winnipeg seems to have decided that since there is still snow in the forecast, that negates the necessity to plow the streets at this point. Much snow= bad driving conditions. booo on the City for their stupidity!!

I don't get to shovel snow in BC, so i gladly do it here. i think i'm doing the driveway about 2x/day on average thus far..heck, it gets me fresh air and a little bit of exercise in my otherwise LAZY lifestyle, so it's all good! Ok well i am trying to upload an "action shot" of me shoveling, but for some reason it's not working; i don't know why and it's really pissing me off.

so i'm going to end this post here because without pics, it's just really not too fun. alrighty, take it easy...


sjanzen said...

soooo, um . . . say hi to your brother for me. Tell him I've been waiting with abaited breath for his letter, only to end each day in misery and disapointment. My Christmas shall therefore be one of sorrow. Good day . . . I said good day!!!