Friday, December 09, 2005

wow slacker

to my many fans who have been waiting with baited breath for my next posting...i am truly sorry for such a delay. This clearly means one of two things: either i am too busy to be posting, or I lead such a boring life that there is nothing to blog about...well if we're being honest (which we usually are) i would say i actually fall inbetween those two statements. It's not like i'm running around with my head cut off, but I am also not partaking in many a memorable experience as of late. I am also quite lazy, which leads to my lack of productivity in just about every area....

but let me tell you about a little place called Beachwood. Nestled deep in the woods just over the Can/US border on the coastal shores of Washington there is a campground catering to the RV crowd as well as a few small cabins for nightly rental. My friend Pam's family has been camping there for years and happened to have a few "rent this cabin for free " nights to use up by the end of '05 (which we all know is quickly approaching...). Conveniently, Pam has Wednesdays off, and I do absolutely nothing with each and every day, so both this week and the week before we headed down to Beachwood for a "vacation". Now, let me explain something to you. When you are as poor as I am, free nights in a little cabin not even an hour away is actually quite nice. And i guess when you work hard at your job every day like Pam does, and just need to escape for a night, Beachwood does the trick for those kids too. (/by the way, if you have not done so already, please refer to the photo above. As you can see, the cabin is really really tiny - by the way, that's not our truck, i stole this pic off the website).

So what do you do at Beachwood? Well, i'm sure if you wanted to take advantage of all the great amenities on the property, you could (i'm actually being serious). But really, I'll tell you what we did, and then you be the judge on what sounds more fun. We ate, played Monopoly, watched Friends on DVD on my computer, and drank. That's about it. I really enjoy validated lazyness!

There you have it. My latest adventure.

I will write again soon, this time from the snowy midwestern prairies....until then....

(for those interested in their own Beachwood experience, please visit