Tuesday, September 04, 2007

New Brunswick

Welcome to part 2 of the trip - New Brunswick. You may be interested to know that New Brunswick did not have a very good welcome sign as we drove into the province. At the Info Center I enquired about this and they agreed that they should have a better "welcome to our province" sign. I was told that any comments or suggestions I had would be delievered to the Premier himself, so of course i wrote the Premier a little note. Here I am standing against the wall of the info center, showing you which province we're in:
Hopewell Rocks is known for its "Flowerpot Rocks" and at low tide you can go walk on the ocean floor. They ring a bell to let you know when you have to begin making your way to higher ground in order to not get swept away by the tides.

We stayed in a town called Sussex and they have some cool murals painted on the sides of buildings all around town. In this first picture, my dad and brother decided to be a part of the painting...imitating the father and son who are actually painted into the picture...kinda hard to tell who's real and who's painted unless you look for it!

Covered of my favorite things about New Brunswick
don't get a the!! This cracked me up!

After a few days of sightseeing it was off to enjoy the MAIN reason we actually went to the maritimes......TARR FAMILY REUNION!!!! The Tarr Family, my mom's paternal side, get together every so often to reunite. We got together 3 years ago (after a very long absence in "official" reunions, about 15ish years to be exact) and decided we needed to do this every 3 years, so this summer it was time again.
We stayed at the Fairmont Algonquin at St. Andrews-by-the-Sea
The first night we had a nice lobster feast down on the beach...see the lobsters preparing to meet their death....

The buffet spread
My cousins, Jennifer and Jamie

Me and my you like my bib??!!
Our family reunions aren't complete without a croquet tournament. Here, my cousin Susan is helping her daughter - 2 year old Alaina - hit her shot

And of course, family pictures. This is the Alan Tarr side of the family (that's our branch)
And here are all the grandchildren, in chronological age

Good times were had by all!!! Our family reunions are a blast!!
Now off to PEI for some more adventures!!!!


Theresa said...

Ah man! You gotta stop posting this stuff now!!! I want to go too!!! Looks AWESOME!!!