Saturday, October 11, 2008

a fabulous fall day for fotos

Summer is my favorite season, but I must say, fall isn't that far behind (well, not rainy fall).The weather has been amazing lately....cold and sunny, which i love because it sooooooooo beats the rain, and it also makes for some great photo opportunities. Part of my drive to work is through some farmland (far beats sitting in a traffic jam) and lately i've been gazing longingly at the fields in the morning...they are so beautiful, with the sun just peaking over the trees, the frost and low fog...and if i wasn't about to be late for work, i would pull over just to stare a while longer!! Well by Friday afternoon I had made up my mind: the fall sunshine was to last a couple more days and I had to get up at a reasonable hour on Saturday morning to take Mazzy in for his 1 year check-up (that's my car, if you didn't week is mine and Mazzy's one year anniversary) why not get up a bit earlier and go shoot some photos? You can always tell what i'm passionate about by whether or not i'm willing to sacrifice sleep for it :)
So i ventured out this morning, braved the cool temps (just a couple of degrees above freezing) and got some shots i'm fairly happy with!

the frost makes it look very wintery in this photo!!

After a dentist appt and a few more errands, it was still gorgeous and sunny out, so Rebs and I decided to go for a walk in the park. This is what i've now concluded: sunny fall day + long weekend = people in good moods!! Almost everyone I walked past in the park offered a cheerful hello! Well i guess that's what sunshine in BC in October will do to you!! Anyway here are some shots from my stroll through Fishtrap Creek...i love the colours of fall!!

i was actually quite impressed that i captured this dragonfly as well as i did...those buggers know how to move!!!
And this little duck was having a great time in the water, frolicing about
I love that someone stuck this leaf on the fence

Well, it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so i'm off to bake some pumpkin pies and watch the Canucks game!! Have a great weekend!!


rachel joy said...

Beautiful photos Laura! I'm admiring them as I wait for my apple pie to bake, the pumpkin ones are done. :)

Vanessa said...

awesome photos!!! definitely enjoyed them-thanks for sharing!

Raz said...

Laura- these are INCREDIBLE!!!!!
Dang, girl- I LOVE your photog skills!!!
You've got to have the best desktop pictures on your computer...

Mama Bear said...

beautiful pics, laura!!

Twinkle Toes said...

did you scan some postcards? love the moss on the fence

Theresa said...

Dito to all the above! I can't believe YOU GOT UP EARLY to take pics!!! You are some picturetakerer!!! hehehe

L&D said...

Girlie you are talented. And you're hot. Those are the only two things that really matter.