Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let me CAP your SUSPENSE...

So as part of my birthday present, Pammer arranged for a fun outting for us, with Theresa and Josh. I didn't know where we were going until we were in the car driving there....and last Sunday we went to the Capilano Suspension Bridge! I had never been there before and have been wanting to go, so i was super excited when i found out where we were going!

You can't really see us too well in this photo because there were raindrops on the giant ball thingy, but i still liked this picture enough to post
So Josh decided that he was not going to smile nicely in many of our photos that day

It wasn't raining, but it was grey and foggy...tricky light for shooting photos without a tripod but still got a few good scenery shots

Here's Pammer on the bridge

And me and T-dog hugging a giant tree

Josh and I spent some time as inquisitive youngsters ....

Here are some lovely ladies, with some nice scenery too

I made friends with the Bear Mountie

and group photo with said Mountie (with Josh still up to his antics)

Yay for capilano adventures! We had a great time and I would definitely recommend that you check this place out if you have a chance...but take a coupon, it's kinda pricy....


Twinkle Toes said...

did you bounce on it or was that against the rules? also let me add that you seem to love the tree in a different way than your friend. Perhaps the therapist needs tree love therapy?

Mama Bear said...

i've never been to the cap suspension bridge. This is sad but true. One day i will day.

word verification word: nocommu

Vanessa said...

FUN! looks like you guys had a great time. and i love your rainboots, they're pretty fantastic!

Theresa said...

What a great day! So glad you had so many birthday celebrations!

Raz said...

Holy smokes!! I'm so behind!
LOVE these pictures! :O)
YAY for the suspension bridge!!